Miller Overhead Garage Door Service
Blue Island
Northwest Indiana
773 238-5779
Preventative Maintenance & Inspection services
When our serviceman perform our maintenance & inspection service on your doors, we leave no stone unturned. First, we provide lubrication to all bearings, chains, rollers, hinges, and counterbalance assemblies. Then, we tighten or replace any loose or missing fasteners. Next, we adjust the counterbalance assemblies and motor operator settings. Finally, we do an inspection of the equipment looking for worn parts and accessories. If a minimal amount of material is needed, we will replace it at no additional charge. If any other problems exist, we will submit a proposal to correct the problems.
Decrease down time
When a door is inoperable, it costs money. Lost heat, vehicles not being able to enter or leave. Preventative maintenance pays for itself. We keep your equiment working properly by finding problems that could lead to inoperable doors. In the long run saving you time and money.
Positives to maintaining your equipment
Related M&I Programs
Maintenance and inspection service programs are available on a wide variety of other types of equipment. Pedestrian Doors, Gates, Gate Operators and Mechanical dock levelors are just a few examples of products that could be covered under our maintenance agreement. Please call and ask if a M & I program can be tailor fit for your needs. Can be set up yearly or bi-yearly.
Miller Overhead Garage Door Service
Blue Island
Northwest Indiana
773 238-5779